Volunteering to give back
Because there will always be room for people who care.
Volunteering is a great way to contribute to a cause you care about, give back to the community, and boost your mental health. Here, we’ve compiled a list of volunteering groups you may be interested in.
Community Befriending Programme
As Singapore’s ageing population grows, more seniors will become vulnerable and socially isolated.
To reach out to lonely and isolated seniors, the Community Befriending Programme was created where volunteer befrienders regularly visit seniors in their neighbourhood. It is run by several community organisations in constituencies across Singapore.
Many befrienders develop a bond with other seniors in their community and find a sense of purpose in their volunteering work.
Get involved
If you wish to learn about the community befriending service providers in your constituency and the experiences of befrienders participating in this program, you can read them here.
Alternatively, you can sign up here or call the AIC Hotline at 1800 650 6060 to find out more. The hotline is available from Mon-Fri: 8.30am-8.30pm and Sat: 8.30am-4pm, except for public holidays.
Found this useful? There’s more!
This is a part of our series for people older than their 50s living with HIV. In the series, we show you how to take care of your body, mind and health.

More resources
Support groups for people living with HIV
Get the support you need while supporting others.
Living with HIV
With medication, HIV is a manageable, chronic condition - you will still be able to live a healthy and productive life.
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